Inductance works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. Hollow self-adhesive coil When an electric current flows through a wire, a self-adhesive coil of electromagnetic field is generated around the wire, and the electromagnetic field wire itself induces an effect on the wire within the electromagnetic field. The effect of the hollow coil on the hollow self-adhesive coil wire itself, which generates electromagnetic field, is called 'self-induction', that is, the changing current generated by the wire itself generates the changing magnetic field of the hollow coil, which in turn affects the current in the wire; The effect on other wires within the electromagnetic field of the audio coil is called mutual inductance.
Hollow coil does not use the magnetic core, skeleton and shielding cover, but is wound on the mold first, then the mold is removed, and a certain distance is opened between the coils. Our products comply the EU standards, have good quality and have a broad market in China and overseas
Hollow coil is that when the current in the coil changes, the Air Coil Inductors generates an inductive electromotive force which counteracts the passage of the current. When the current in the inductor is too high, the inductor will naturally store some energy in order to maintain the balance of the current. When the current returns to the initial state, the inductor will release some energy.
HSC Hollow Coil does not use the magnetic core, skeleton and shielding cover, but is wound on the mold first, then the mold is removed, and a certain distance is opened between the coils. Our products comply the EU standards, have good quality and have a broad market in China and overseas.
Air Core Coil Inductor does not use the magnetic core, skeleton and shielding cover, but is wound on the mold first, then the mold is removed, and a certain distance is opened between the coils. Our products comply the EU standards, have good quality and have a broad market in China and overseas.